【JP】《Rainbow Foil》[光 戦士] 救済の気品/Saving Grace (黄)「M」〔ASB025〕
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【EN】《Rainbow Foil》[Light] Solar Plexus/太陽の網鎧 「M」〔ASB004〕
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【EN】《Rainbow Foil》[Light Warrior] Bracers of Bellona's Grace/ベローナの気品の籠手 「M」〔ASB005〕
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【JP】《Rainbow Foil》[光 戦士] 翼ある気品の出立/Warpath of Winged Grace 「M」〔ASB006〕
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【JP】《Rainbow Foil》[光] 太陽の網鎧/Solar Plexus 「M」〔ASB004〕
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【JP】《Rainbow Foil》[光 戦士] ベローナの気品の籠手/Bracers of Bellona's Grace 「M」〔ASB005〕
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【JP】[光 戦士] 救済の気品/Saving Grace (黄)「M」〔ASB025〕
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【JP】《Rainbow Foil》[光 戦士] 光輪の気品の兜/Helm of Halo's Grace 「M」〔ASB003〕
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【EN】[Generic] Sink Below/群青へ沈む (赤)「R」〔ASB016〕
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【JP】[汎用] スナッチ/Snatch (赤)「R」〔ASB012〕
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【JP】[光 戦士] 光輝の昇天/Lumina Ascension (黄)「M」〔ASB026〕
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【EN】[Light Warrior] Bolt of Courage/勇気の電撃 (黄)「C」〔ASB021〕
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【EN】[Light Warrior] Take Flight/飛翔 (黄)「C」〔ASB022〕
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【EN】[Light Warrior] V of the Vanguard/先陣の先導者 (黄)「R」〔ASB023〕
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【EN】[Light Warrior] Valiant Thrust/勇猛果敢な突き (黄)「C」〔ASB024〕
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【EN】[Light Warrior] Lumina Ascension/光輝の昇天 (黄)「M」〔ASB026〕
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【EN】[Generic] Courage/勇敢 「C」〔ASB027〕
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【EN】[Generic] Quicken/加速 「C」〔ASB028〕
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【JP】[光 戦士] 夜明けをもたらす者、サー・ボルティン/Ser Boltyn, Breaker of Dawn 「R」〔ASB001〕
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【JP】[光 戦士] 宵闇斬り、レイドゥン/Raydn, Duskbane 「M」〔ASB002〕
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【JP】[光 戦士] 光放つ威勢/Beaming Bravado (赤)「C」〔ASB007〕
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【JP】[光 戦士] 勇気の電撃/Bolt of Courage (赤)「C」〔ASB008〕
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【JP】[光 戦士] 圧倒する光/Engulfing Light (赤)「C」〔ASB009〕
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【JP】[光 戦士] 高速の稲妻/Express Lightning (赤)「C」〔ASB010〕
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【JP】[光 戦士] 切り拓く光/Light the Way (赤)「C」〔ASB011〕
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【JP】[光 戦士] 飛翔/Take Flight (赤)「C」〔ASB013〕
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【JP】[光 戦士] 勇敢な鋼の手/Courageous Steelhand (赤)「C」〔ASB014〕
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【JP】[光 戦士] 鳴り響く勇気/Resounding Courage (赤)「C」〔ASB015〕
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【JP】[光 戦士] 反発の旗/Banneret of Resilience (黄)「R」〔ASB017〕
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【JP】[光 戦士] 活力の旗/Banneret of Vigor (黄)「R」〔ASB018〕
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【JP】[光 戦士] 戦場の速攻/Battlefield Blitz (黄)「C」〔ASB019〕
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【JP】[光 戦士] 光放つ威勢/Beaming Bravado (黄)「C」〔ASB020〕
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【JP】[光 戦士] 勇気の電撃/Bolt of Courage (黄)「C」〔ASB021〕
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【JP】[光 戦士] 飛翔/Take Flight (黄)「C」〔ASB022〕
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【JP】[光 戦士] 先陣の先導者/V of the Vanguard (黄)「R」〔ASB023〕
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【JP】[光 戦士] 勇猛果敢な突き/Valiant Thrust (黄)「C」〔ASB024〕
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【JP】[汎用] 勇敢/Courage 「C」〔ASB027〕
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【JP】[汎用] 加速/Quicken 「C」〔ASB028〕
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【EN】[Light Warrior] Saving Grace/救済の気品 (黄)「M」〔ASB025〕
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【EN】《Rainbow Foil》[Light Warrior] Helm of Halo's Grace/光輪の気品の兜 「M」〔ASB003〕
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【JP】[汎用] 群青へ沈む/Sink Below (赤)「R」〔ASB016〕
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【EN】《Rainbow Foil》[Light Warrior] Warpath of Winged Grace/翼ある気品の出立 「M」〔ASB006〕
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【EN】[Generic] Snatch/スナッチ (赤)「R」〔ASB012〕
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